Drill Won't Go Through Wall

Drill Won’t Go Through Wall? – 9 Possible Reasons

The drilling process can be tiresome and problematic for people who have never drilled anything. But let's face it - ever since the pandemic, people are much more inclined to buy tools and turn home repairs into DIY projects they would do with the family. It's an awesome way to spend time with your loved ones. Still, it can also be problematic if you run into unpredicted issues.

What kind of issues can arise when drilling? Well, I have heard many different scenarios. But I keep hearing about the problem with the drill not going into the wall. People are left wondering what stops the drill from going through the wall. They even spend countless hours and money trying to get to the bottom of the issue.

But I am here to save the day for all those who have still not figured out what is causing their drilling problems. Quite a few things could go wrong, from using a dull or clogged drill bit to having a drill with a drained battery or a problem with the energy supply. The list is endless, but I have narrowed it down to 9 reasons why your drill is not going through the wall easily.

If you want to learn more on the topic, stick around for the rest of this detailed guide!

Why Won't Drill Go Through Wall?

bosch professional drill

There are a ton of things that can go wrong while you are drilling. Suppose you do not know what is in the walls. In that case, you can even start accidentally drilling into the construction or brick that is essential for the house's stability. Furthermore, you can risk drilling too deep and hitting the electrical wiring or a water pipe. It can all happen, and it can happen very quickly.

But the biggest problem is when you do not know why your drill is not going deeper into the material. Is it the drill bit that is causing the problem? Or the drill itself? Or perhaps the material you are trying to drill into is unsuitable for drilling?

That is what we are here to explore. Next up, we will be looking into the nine main reasons why you are not able to drill into your wall. Here is more on each of these reasons:

Dull Drill Bit

Drill bits are obligatory for anyone who wants to drill into anything. But the type and size of the drill bit can be determined based on the material you will be drilling into and the depth and width of the hole you need to make. Once you get the drill bit, you can start drilling, but you must check that it has not dulled out throughout the drilling process.

You see, the harder the material is, the more likely it is to dull your bit. This happens even to the most high-quality masonry drill bits, so do not dread it. All you need to do is get a new drill bit and switch it with the old one. The new one will be sharper, allowing you to drill faster and make more precise holes.

You can determine whether your drill bit is dull by looking at it. If it seems worn out and dirty, with the color taken off it, chances are it has run its course. Regularly, drill bits should be switched after two or three uses, but that also depends on what you use them for.

Incorrect Drill Bit Size

Drill Bit Size

The dull drill bit is one of many problems you can come across. Sometimes, the size of the bit can cause a problem and cause you to halt your drilling project.

The thing about construction is that all houses are built differently. Some have wood studs; others have steel studs. Some have metal plates; others have simple plaster walls that will not cause much problem with drilling. But if you do not want to go to the actual construction and hit the plates or studs, you must get a good size drill bit that will prevent unwanted damage.

But there is a plan B! If all your drill bits are rather long, you can use a stud finder to find the perfect depth you need to reach. Then, mark the bit using a piece of tape to prevent the bit from going too deep. You see, it is easy-peasy when you know what to do!

Hard Materials

Some materials are quite difficult to drill into because of their composite build. For example, drilling into brick, concrete firewall, or stone drilling can be a real nightmare. If you do not have the right drill and drill bit, trust me that the wall will not budge even under the highest speed and pressure.

In this case, you must use an SDS drill equipped with a masonry drill bit. The drill can be a corded drill or a cordless drill, depending on what you like better. But I recommend the cordless drill as it is much easier to use and convenient to transport. At the same time, you will not have to look for an electrical outlet wherever you drill.

Improper Drilling Technique

Improper Drilling Technique

There is nothing worse than having an improper drilling technique. If you want to learn how to really drill, here is what you need to remember:

First, you must choose the right equipment for your project. If drilling into solid material, you need something sturdier that will not dull out quickly. You can also use lighter equipment if drilling into wood studs or plaster walls.

Next, ensure that your drilling equipment is top-notch, that the battery on the cordless drill is charged, that there is an electrical outlet you can use for your corded drill, and that the drill bit is brand new and as sharp as they come. With the right equipment, you can easily drill into anything.

Third, make a small pilot hole to guide your drill when you start drilling. It will be much easier for you to follow the pilot hole instead of winging it.

When you get to the drilling part, you must start slowly and raise the speed only if the material allows that. If drilling into tough material, you might not need to increase speed. As for pressure, always keep it controlled. Wear protective gear while also having lubricant and cool water for your drill.

Low Battery or Power

Never go to a worksite with one of those cheap batteries that will not last even a few minutes. Dying batteries will stall your project as you will have to wait for them to recharge. Instead, get high-quality lithium-ion batteries that can last for days without any problem. The same goes for the power source - it must be strong enough to withstand a day's work.


It often happens that even the best drills overheat. That is because you overwork them or use too much pressure to get them into the wall. That is a big no-no, not only because you can damage your drill but also because the pressure can cause irreparable damage to the wall.

So, when drilling, give your drill a break every few minutes. Keep a bucket of water near, and if you feel it is getting too hot, use the water to cool down the drill. That will surely keep it going for much longer.

Clogged Drill Bit

Another issue you might face is a clogged drill bit, which will not penetrate even through soft materials. The best thing is to clean the drill bit using nothing but clean water to remove all the stuck debris. If it doesn't budge, consider switching the drill bit with a new one so you will not lose time trying to clean it.

Obstructions in the Wall

Sometimes, there could be a reinforcing bar or some masonry construction in the wall that is causing a problem with your drill and is not allowing it to go further into the wall. If you are unsure what is on the wall, you must drill carefully. Hitting a nail or tougher material can cause serious damage to your drill and drill bit.

If it is impossible for you to drill at that particular part of the wall, consider moving your holes a few inches to reach soft material and making the needed drill holes there.

Motor or Gear Issues

Finally, you should inspect your drill for possible motor problems or gear issues that might stop the drilling abruptly. These are two of the most likely reasons for problematic drilling, but you can easily tell if the problem is with the motor or the gear. Simply, your drill will start working differently than it did before. At that point, you can try changing the direction to see if you might have drilled in the wrong direction or check the trigger for damage.


Thank you for reading this detailed guide on drilling into walls. I hope you learned a lot of valuable information on the topic and feel prepared to tackle your first drilling project soon. When you do so, remember to follow the drilling process I described above while using suitable drill bits and drills to get the job done quicker.

That said, I would love to know more about your experience with wall drilling. If you know how to select the best drill and drill bit, how to drill without hitting a metal plate or electrical wires, or if you know of any drilling gear you recommend to others, please share all your stories in the comments below. I will make sure to read them as soon as possible!

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