Most times, the walls adjacent to hard-surfaced floors like tiles, linoleum, or wood are exposed to cracks. This is where the baseboard functions – it is a trim used to conceal the uneven, cracked joints between the wall and the floor.
The baseboard is a length of wood or plastic mounted coverings to regions between the wall and the base of the floor. Better than carpet and drywalls, it also shields the dividers from damages. Installing the baseboard across the house is always better, and the miter saw is often used to accomplish this task.
Miter saws can make angled cuts in corners, and for their ability to get it exactly right, they are often used for trim works. However, you can do this without needing a miter saw.
Elements of Baseboard Corners
If you could take some time to profile most baseboards producing firms, you will discover that most productions are made using hardwoods, including mahogany, oak, or maple. Some others use fir or pine.
They are most times 96 inches long and, between two and three creeps in width. In large amounts, the processed boards are called ogee, commemoration, farm, or pioneer.
To keep the baseboard looking attractive, special effects are added with some embellishment, and altogether in a stack can appear sophisticated.
During installation, first castings are introduced to the edge, while another piece is set in place to make shadow lines.
Composites are almost like vinyl, but there are some differences. They twist more than ordinary wood, yet not as effortless as vinyl. Composites have thick particleboard center with slender vinyl covering.
The moldings usually are left colored or white since they cannot be retooled. Compared to vinyl, they give warmer assurance, can be cut, and mitered just the same as genuine wood. Of all baseboard types, composites are the most considerable and reasonable.
Vinyl usually has a white shading and shape. However, the main benefit is flexibility. It can be suitable for smooth bends or framed around walls that do not have square edges.
With vinyl’s ability to twist where wood won’t, it does not split. It can fit firmly against a wall without breaking. It is easy to cut with a miter saw or any kind of saw, and you can as well decide to have yours painted.
Some people prefer vinyl to others since it is consistent, it creates no imperfection, and you can utilize every inch of it. Vinyl comes in profiles you can expect from the standard wood.
How to Cut Baseboard Corners Without Miter Saw?
You may be wondering if it is possible to cut baseboard corners without using a miter saw – well, it totally is.
However, even with this condition, there are specific guidelines to accomplish this task correctly without messing up the joint alignment or baseboard profile in general. The baseboard angles will still be accurate regarding the walls and the floor.

Of course, there are several methods you can apply. However, you will need different tools for cutting moldings, either crown molding or standard baseboards.
Portable Hand cutting tools
The portable hand cutting tools allow you to cut or trim your baseboard easily. You can choose the angle to guide the cut as it is fitted to the baseboard with screws.
Put the handheld cutting tool on the miter guide and turn the device on by pulling the trigger upward. To cut, shove the cutting instrument to and fro, and at the same time, the guide supports the blade as it makes clean cuts across the baseboard.
Baseboard Installed Without Miters
Some baseboards lack mitered corners; even with this, you still can cut. The process is quite similar to the one above. In this case, you can use a square-built to it fit the corners.
The functions that are required by the miter tool is meet by the block as the side of the block guides the level surface. Before measuring the baseboard, the block is placed on it to estimate the sturdiness and allow straight cutting of both parts of the trim cast.
Baseboard Coping
Baseboard coping is another technique used on the baseboard to avoid cutting mitered corners. In this instance, the main piece of the trim is measured and laid level to the wall and corner.
Next to the pinnacle edge of the trim, you should set a 45-degree carpenter’s triangle and draw a miter line as if the wood were cut to fit a generally mitered baseboard. Although, not the flat one in place. A subsequent vertical line to continue with the miter line drawn on the face is made on the exterior.
Trim Cutting
Carefully cut a direct and vertical face line angle on the trim found on top of the row. Make a line with a pencil along the cut edge to reflect the shape of the baseboard.
Mark 25 degrees from miter on the pencil line and cut. It is called coping since it was generally finished with a coping saw. However, any rotary tool that had a cutting blade can be used to cut.
The cut end will fit over and in opposition with an existing trim as if you have made a scribed cut. It will have no gap of a bad cut or unevenness, and look like a mitered cut.
Installing baseboards in your home is a moderate approach to a tidier house. The process of cutting baseboard corners is quite simple for DIYers, but the cutting task can be daunting without a miter saw.
However, if you have any replacement like the hand saw, regular saw, or jigsaw, you can still make precise cuts.
We have pointed out a few procedures you can use to carry out this task and cut pieces of molds, whether basic molding joints or precise angle cuts without the miter saw